Steven E. Snow

Presidency of the Seventy (August 1, 2007 – January 20, 2012)

First Quorum of the Seventy (March 31, 2001 – October 5, 2019)

General Conference Addresses

  • April 2016 General Conference
    • Be Thou Humble
      • “Like all of the Church’s hymns, “Be Thou Humble” teaches pure and simple truths. It teaches us that if we humble ourselves, our prayers are answered; we enjoy peace of mind; we serve more effectively in our callings; and, if we continue to be faithful, we will ultimately return to the presence of our Heavenly Father.”
      • “But humility is not something reserved to be taught only to children. We must all strive to become more humble. Humility is essential to gain the blessings of the gospel. Humility enables us to have broken hearts when we sin or make mistakes and makes it possible for us to repent. Humility enables us to be better parents, sons and daughters, husbands and wives, neighbors and friends.”
  • April 2011 General Conference
    • Hope
      • “Other times our hopes can lead to dreams which can inspire us and lead us to action. If we have the hope to do better in school, that hope can be realized by dedicated study and sacrifice. If we have the hope to play on a winning team, that hope can lead to consistent practice, dedication, teamwork, and ultimately success.”
      • “As parents, we find our fondest hopes center around our children. We hope they will grow up to lead responsible and righteous lives. Such hopes can be easily dashed if we do not act as good examples. Hope alone does not mean our children will grow in righteousness. We must spend time with them in family home evening and worthwhile family activities. We must teach them to pray. We must read with them in the scriptures and teach them important gospel principles. Only then is it possible our fondest hopes will be realized.”
      • “Mary Murray Murdoch exemplifies the hope and faith of so many of the early pioneers who made the courageous journey west. The spiritual journeys of today require no less hope or faith than those of the early pioneers. Our challenges may be different, but the struggles are just as great.”
  • April 2009 General Conference
    • Get On with Our Lives
      • “First, follow the prophets. Listen to and abide by the counsel of the Brethren. Prophets often raise a voice of warning but also provide steady, pragmatic counsel to help us weather the storms of life.”
      • “Second, keep an eternal perspective. Understand that change and challenges are part of God’s plan.”
      • “Third, have faith.”
      • “We must exercise faith to take on life’s challenges and changes. It is how we learn and progress.”
      • “Fourth, be of good cheer.”
  • October 2007 General Conference
    • Service
      • “As a family we learned, strangely enough, that cancer is a disease of love. It provides opportunities to mend fences, say goodbyes, and express love.”
      • “We demonstrate our love when we help and serve each other.”
      • “We have an obligation as members of the Church to accept callings to serve in building the kingdom of God on earth.
  • October 2001 General Conference
    • Gratitude
      • “Isn’t it ironic, brethren, that we will often travel many miles to see the wonders of nature or the creations of man, but yet ignore the beauty in our own backyard?”
      • “It is human nature, I suppose, to seek elsewhere for our happiness. Pursuit of career goals, wealth, and material rewards can cloud our perspective and often leads to a lack of appreciation for the bounteous blessings of our present circumstances.”
      • “It is precarious to dwell on why we have not been given more. It is, however, beneficial and humbling to dwell on why we have been given so much.”
      • “A constant expression of gratitude should be included in all our prayers. Often prayers are given for specific blessings which we, in our incomplete understanding, believe we need. While the Lord does answer prayers according to His will, He certainly must be pleased when we offer humble prayers of gratitude.”
      • “Brethren, I pray that we might keep our hearts full of thanks and appreciation for what we have and not dwell on what is not ours.”

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