Albert Carrington

Counselor in the First Presidency (June 8, 1873 – August 29, 1877)

Quorum of the Twelve Apostles (July 7, 1870 – November 7, 1885)

General Conference Addresses

  • April 1880 General Conference
    • The Perpetual Emigrating Fund
      • “I think there are some who, if they had remained in their native lands, would never have apostatized; but gather them here and they apostatize! That also seems to be in the economy of this great latter-day work, so I have not felt to critically question the wisdom or good judgment of those who have recommended this, that, or the other one for assistance, even when those assisted have apostatized.”
      • “I rejoice that the worthy poor, struggling with adversity, are to be so kindly treated, and are to be left free and untrammeled, when they cannot possibly free themselves in any other way. I know of no just way of becoming clear of a fair indebtedness, except by payment or forgiveness.”
      • “After all indebtedness to the Fund has been remitted, that ought to be, there will still be a large sum due. Will we be able to collect all of that? I am afraid not; for some Fund debtors who had property have apostatized, and others have accumulated property since they apostatized, without sufficient manhood to repay the means that enabled them to be here. They worship the world, have apostatized and gone with the world. I pity them, because they are traveling on a road of exceeding darkness; and they cannot see things as they are, or they would pay their Fund indebtedness.”
    • Pride and Blessings
      • “We, as Latter-day Saints, are under the same requirements as have been all previous occupants of this continent, to whom the everlasting Gospel has been preached, to seek unto, love and serve the Lord our God, if we would be kindly regarded by Him. Do we flatter ourselves that we will be so regarded in any other course? If so, we are unwisely deceiving ourselves.”
      • “When I look forward to the near future, that has been so much spoken of in this our day, and so plainly prophesied of from the beginning, and contemplate the terrible calamities that are to befall those who reject the Gospel and oppose the work of God, do I feel in the least to exult over their downfall? I feel that it will be a day of sorrow and mourning; that it will be painful even to hear the report of the going forth of the wise and just judgments of our Father upon the heads of the wicked—those of our fellow-beings who have preferred to do evil.”
  • October 1874 General Conference
    • The Gospel a Perfect Law
      • “Now, so far as we are concerned in regard to law, we are under divine law, the Gospel, the grand plan of salvation—a law that is perfect, plain and simple as well as just, and applicable to the whole human family at all times, and in this we should rejoice. But we are also under human laws as well, we pertain to a number of what are termed human governments, subject, in a greater or less degree, to man-made institutions, and are they perfect? No, each and every one of them, notwithstanding the intelligence possessed by mankind, and their centuries of experience, contain the seeds of their own dissolution, and, in the providence of God, they are all destined, in their times and in their seasons, to be superseded by the government and kingdom of God upon the earth—a fact at which every human being should rejoice.”
      • “Now, we as a people, left the States, and I may say we left Christendom, from the simple fact that we were obliged to do so in order to live our religion. But would they let us alone after we had left the States? No. After having aided in the conquest of the very region to which we fled to avoid persecution and religious tyranny, they were not satisfied even then to leave us unmolested to worship the true and living God according to the dictates of our own consciences; but they have followed us as a nation, and are following us to this day—a professed Christian nation is trying to force upon us the tyranny and oppression of unconstitutional law, administered by officers for whose appointment there is not a scintilla of right under the constitution.”
      • “Wickedness is and ever has been aggressive, tyrannical, oppressive, cruel and murderous, and so it will ever continue to be.”

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