The Church’s Abortion Position

The Church’s Abortion Position is Not Nuanced Arising from the current debate on abortion in the United States, it is not uncommon to hear from some quarters that the position of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on abortion is more nuanced and liberal than many of the members of the Church would…

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Changes in policy

It seems that the excitement of General Conference started a bit early this year.  The Deseret News and the Church Newsroom had articles this morning talking about changes to policies related to discipline of people engaged in same sex marriages and the legal children of such individuals.  Despite a lack of specifics regarding what the…

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A Response to Nick Einbender

A certain Nick Einbender took to the facebook page of a group styling themselves “Mormons Building Bridges” and catalogued some correspondence he had with a currently-serving Bishop in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Nick has an LDS background,[1] is a dentist and is married to another man.  This bishop was a classmate…

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Sam Young is Clearly an Apostate

Several years ago, I wrote a series of posts for the Millennial Star blog regarding Ordain Women.  In the years that followed, Kate Kelly was excommunicated and I can see no evidence that any of those “faithful” women are actually active, believing members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints today.  I find…

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To the Provo 487th Ward

Dear Members of the Provo 487th Ward, It has been a whirlwind of a week.  I don’t think anything can prepare you for the feelings of shock and inadequacy that comes when being called as a bishop. This is particularly the case today, because my predecessor, Bishop Young, had only been serving for 2 years. …

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A Quick Reminder

If you walk into a house of worship on a Sunday with a covert film crew, and go to the pulpit for the purpose of engaging in a protest, and refuse to leave when asked nicely, such that you have to be physically removed, you are an unmitigated jerk. Reasonable people should reject your tactics…

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You Just Can’t Talk to Some People

A little after 7 PM, Mountain time, on the evening of August 15, 2018, Sam Young was standing on the sidewalk of South Temple Street in Salt Lake City wearing a business suit over a striped shirt and tie and a baseball cap on his head.  He was addressing a crowd of some dozens, perhaps,…

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Protecting the Kids, a play in one scene

[We are in the hallway of a chapel, just outside of the bishop’s office. The bishop approaches with his keys in his hand to open the door, but is stopped by Bro. and Sis. Jones before entering.] Bro Jones: Bishop! So glad we found you.  Can we have a quick word with you? Bishop:  Sure,…

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It’s a TRAP!!!

I have been watching with interest, and severe disappointment, the drama unfolding on South Temple Street in Salt Lake City this week.  A group called Protect LDS Children, PLDSC for short, has been inviting a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles to come sit in a camp chair on the sidewalk across the…

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