Judging Righteously, An Introduction

For many people, the topic of judgment begins and ends at Matthew 7:1, in which the Savior is reported to have said, “Judge not, that ye be not judged.” Some members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints combine this with the injunction at Matthew 22: 39 to “love thy neighbour as thyself”…

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To Belong

What does it mean to belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?[1]  This may seem, at first blush, to be a relatively simple question.  On one hand, the answer is quite simple.  One who is a member of the Church, belongs to the Church.  Everyone baptized into the faith is a member…

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Parable of the Ten Virgins – Be The Wise, Part 1

We are living in the latter days, and while I don’t know when the Second Coming will occur, it is clearly sooner today than it was yesterday.  I have been thinking a lot in the last week on the Parable of the Ten Virgins.  It is found in the Gospel of St. Matthew, immediately after…

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