Paul E. Koelliker
First Quorum of the Seventy (April 2, 2005 – October 5, 2013)
General Conference Addresses
- April 2012 General Conference
- He Truly Loves Us
- “In my mind’s eye I could see these two young men three or four years after completing their missions. I visualized them as having found their eternal companions and serving in an elders quorum or teaching a group of young men. Now, instead of thinking about their investigators, they were asking the same questions about their quorum members or the young men they were commissioned to nurture. I saw how their missionary experience could be applied as a template for nurturing others throughout the rest of their lives. As this army of righteous disciples return from their missions to the many countries across the earth, they are becoming key contributors in the work of establishing the Church.”
- “Both modern and ancient scripture are full of reminders of Heavenly Father’s eternal love for His children.”
- He Truly Loves Us
- October 2005 General Conference
- Gospel Covenants Bring Promised Blessings
- “Giving careful attention to covenant making is critical to our eternal salvation. Covenants are agreements we make with our Heavenly Father in which we commit our hearts, minds, and behavior to keeping the commandments defined by the Lord. As we are faithful in keeping our agreement, He covenants, or promises, to bless us, ultimately with all that He has.”
- “Though still filled with anguish from their sudden loss, they found themselves standing on a higher plane committed to hold even faster to their covenants and to live such that they might be assured of a joyful reunion with their son.”
- Gospel Covenants Bring Promised Blessings
Articles in Church Publications
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