Elder Robert D. Hales of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles spoke during the October 2000 General Conference after having missed the previous two conferences due to illness. He spoke of the pain he had suffered during that time and the opportunities it gave for him to learn and grow. In the process he talked about how he had been ministered by angels, some came in mortal form, while the others were heavenly. He said, “And on occasion, when the Lord so desired, I was to be comforted with visitations of heavenly hosts that brought comfort and eternal reassurances in my time of need.”
While there is little about the actual visits here, Elder Hales gives a wonderful testimony of the ministering of angels in his life. He notes that such ministrations were on the Lord’s timetable, and not his. It seems a lesson to be learned here is that angels are not sent on our timetable, or according to our demands, but in the time and manner dictated by the Lord for our benefit.
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