Ronald T. Halverson

Ronald T. Halverson Second Quorum of the Seventy (April 4, 1998 – September 30, 2006) General Conference Addresses October 2004 General Conference “I Stand at the Door, and Knock” “As I have reflected on that moment, I ask myself the question “What is the reward for following the philosophies of men?” The answer seems clear….

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Gayle M. Clegg

Gayle M. Clegg Second Counselor in the Primary General Presidency (April 3, 1999 – April 2, 2005) General Conference Addresses April 2004 General Conference The Finished Story “Most remarkably, his heartache over the burial of his sweetheart and son gave birth to our family’s legacy of moving forward, of finishing.” “It is not the magnitude…

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W. Douglas Shumway

W. Douglas Shumway Second Quorum of the Seventy (April 5, 2003 – October 3, 2009) General Conference Addresses April 2004 General Conference Marriage and Family: Our Sacred Responsibility “Marriage is meant to be and must be a loving, binding, harmonious relationship between a man and a woman. When a husband and a wife understand that…

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Clate W. Mask, Jr.

Clate W. Mask, Jr. Second Quorum of the Seventy (April 5, 2003 – October 3, 2009) General Conference Addresses April 2004 General Conference Standing Spotless before the Lord “As you and I slosh through the mud slides of life, we can’t help getting a few mud spots on us along the way either. And we…

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David E. Sorensen

David E. Sorensen Presidency of the Seventy (August 15, 1998 – August 15, 2005) First Quorum of the Seventy (April 1, 1995 – October 1, 2005) Second Quorum of the Seventy (June 6, 1992 – April 1, 1995) General Conference Addresses April 2005 General Conference Faith Is the Answer “From this simple story—and many more like it over the course of my life—I have learned faith and obedience are the answers to our concerns, cares,…

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Harold G. Hillam

Harold G. Hillam Presidency of the Seventy (August 15, 1995 – August 15, 2000) First Quorum of the Seventy (April 6, 1991 – October 1, 2005) Second Quorum of the Seventy (March 31, 1990 – April 6, 1991) General Conference Addresses April 2005 General Conference The Worth of Souls “To all, but especially to those who some day will be great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers, your eternal blessings and those of your posterity are far more…

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Robert J. Whetten

Robert J. Whetten Second Quorum of the Seventy (April 4, 1998 – September 30, 2006) General Conference Addresses April 2005 General Conference Strengthen Thy Brethren “Yes, brothers and sisters, like Peter before, we have testimonies, but is conversion a continuing process in your life? Isn’t each of us a work in progress in the hands…

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Stephen B. Oveson

Stephen B. Oveson Second Quorum of the Seventy (April 3, 1999 – October 1, 2005) General Conference Addresses April 2005 General Conference Appreciating the Counsel of Those Who Are Bowed in Years “I wish to add my own humble affirmation of the truthfulness of the aforementioned testimonies. I know that our Heavenly Father is literally…

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Adhemar Damiani

Adhemar Damiani Second Quorum of the Seventy (April 3, 1999 – October 1, 2005) General Conference Addresses April 2005 General Conference Be of Good Cheer and Faithful in Adversity “As part of our mortal probation, we pass through affliction, pain, and disappointment. Only in Jesus Christ can we find peace. He can help us to…

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Coleen K. Menlove

Coleen K. Menlove General President of the Primary  (April 3, 1999 – April 2, 2005) General Conference Addresses April 2005 General Conference All Thy Children Shall Be Taught “Children need the peace that comes from knowing they have a loving Heavenly Father, who sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to bring light and hope into the world….

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