Shirley W. Thomas

Shirley W. Thomas Counselor in the Relief Society General President (September 30, 1978 – April 2, 1983) General Conference Addresses October 1981 General Conference An Opportunity for Continual Learning “Women in the Church are familiar with the terms patriarch and patriarchal order. We associate them with things eternal and the work of the priesthood in…

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Marian R. Boyer

Marian R. Boyer Counselor in the General Relief Society Presidency (October 3, 1974 – April 7, 1984) General Conference Addresses October 1981 General Conference Relief Society in Welfare “Other conditions and other times in the history of the Church created other challenges and responses and new frontiers for Relief Society in welfare work. Today is…

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G. Homer Durham

G. Homer Durham Presidency of the Seventy (October 1, 1981 – January 10, 1985) First Quorum of the Seventy (April 2, 1977 – January 10, 1985) General Conference Addresses April 1984 General Conference Jesus the Christ:the Words and Their Meaning “We know that Savior to be the Lord Jesus Christ. From many, many experiences over…

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Elaine A. Cannon

Elaine A. Cannon Young Women General President (September 30, 1978 – October 6, 1984) General Conference Addresses April 1984 General Conference A Generation Prepared to Make Wise Choices “There has been talk lately in some circles about ordaining women to the priesthood, and someone asked me how I felt about holding the priesthood. I said…

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Barbara B. Smith

Barbara B. Smith Relief Society General President (October 3, 1974 – April 7, 1984) General Conference Addresses April 1984 General Conference Warmed by the Fires of Their Lives “In that spirit I am proud to testify today that our prophets and Apostles are men called of God. They will always lead the Church aright by…

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Robert B. Harbertson

Robert B. Harbertson First Quorum of the Seventy (April 6, 1984 – April 1, 1989) Second Quorum of the Seventy (April 1, 1989 – October 1, 1989) General Conference Addresses October 1984 General Conference He Returned Speedily “Obedience to God’s commands and a willingness to serve have always been requisites for a true disciple of…

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Devere Harris

Devere Harris First Quorum of the Seventy (April 6, 1984 – April 1, 1989) Second Quorum of the Seventy (April 1, 1989 – October 1, 1989) General Conference Addresses October 1984 General Conference Spiritual Power “I have observed from many years of activity in the Church that there are some underlying principles of leadership that…

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Spencer H. Osborn

Spencer H. Osborn First Quorum of the Seventy (April 6, 1984 – April 1, 1989) Second Quorum of the Seventy (April 1, 1989 – October 1, 1989) General Conference Addresses October 1984 General Conference Service in the Church “Traditionally, and properly, we consider this beautiful promise of relief in connection with those without the kingdom—those…

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Philip T. Sonntag

Philip T. Sonntag First Quorum of the Seventy (April 6, 1984 – April 1, 1989) Second Quorum of the Seventy (April 1, 1989 – October 1, 1989) General Conference Addresses October 1984 General Conference The Faith of Our People “I wonder sometimes if we appreciate what the few dollars we give to the Church for…

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Keith W. Wilcox

Keith W. Wilcox First Quorum of the Seventy (October 6, 1984 – April 1, 1989) Second Quorum of the Seventy (April 1, 1989 – October 1, 1989) General Conference Addresses April 1985 General Conference Look for the Beautiful “My lovely wife and our six beautiful daughters had long been aware of my interest in the…

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