Angels – Book of Mormon – Moroni 10

In Moroni Chapter 10, verse 14, Moroni describes the viewing of angels and ministering spirits to be a gift of the spirit, and that if all of the gifts of the spirit are done away, it will be because of lack of faith among the children of men.

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Angels – New Testament – Matthew 2

In Matthew, Chapter 2, there are two instances of angelic visitations recorded, both received by Joseph.  First, the angel came and told him to flee with Mary and Jesus into Egypt to avoid Herod’s wrath.  The second visitation gave direction for their return from Egypt.

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Angels – Book of Mormon – Moroni 7

Moroni Chapter 7 is the text of a sermon preached by Mormon and covers a wide range of important topics. As touching angels, Mormon does not relate an account of any particular visitation.  Instead he talks about the conditions under which angels minister to men. In the first place, he makes the statement that angels…

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Angels – New Testament – Matthew 1

In Matthew Chapter 1 we find the genealogy of Jesus Christ set forth, and are further informed that Mary, who was engaged to Joseph, has become pregnant.  Joseph intends to not go forward with the marriage, but is visited by an angel who attests to Mary’s virtue.  The angel then testifies to Joseph of the…

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Angels – New Testament

This page will be the jumping off point to the discussions of angels and their ministries identified and discussed in the New Testament. Matthew 1 – an angel appears to Joseph Matthew 2 – two instances of an angel appearing to Joseph.

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Angels – Doctrine and Covenants – Section 2

Section 2 of the Doctrine and Covenants is entirely composed of the a selection from the teachings of the Angel Moroni to Joseph Smith, Jr.  It is indicative of a common trend among such visits, being that they often quote scripture to us.  It has been said, and I believe it to be true, that…

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Angels – Doctrine and Covenants

This page will be the jumping off point to the discussions of angels and the ministering of angels identified and discussed in the Doctrine and Covenants.  By definition, these will also be matter of LDS Church history, but were there is overlap between these two categories, I will include the discussion here. Section 2 –…

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Angels – Church History

This page will be the jumping off point to the discussions of visitations and ministry of angels identified and discussed in LDS Church history. Where such items are also discussed in the Standard Works, I will include discussions of those in those categories instead. October 2000 General Conference, talk by Elder Robert D. Hales of…

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Angels – Book of Mormon – 1 Nephi 8

This chapter includes Nephi’s record of Lehi describing to his family his vision of the tree of life.  At the outset of the vision, Lehi is met by “a man, and he was dressed in a white robe.”  Lehi followed this man, but nothing else is said about him.

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