Theophany – Old Testament

This page will be the jumping off point to the discussions of theophanies identified and discussed in the Old Testament. Genesis 3 – God appears to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

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Theophany – Old Testament – Genesis 3

In Genesis 3 we read about Adam and Eve partaking of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and their subsequent expulsion from the Garden of Eden.  In it, God confronts them regarding their transaction, and there is discussion amongst gods, plural, regarding how Adam has become like them, as well…

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Theophany – Doctrine and Covenants

This page will be the jumping off point to the discussions of theophanies identified and discussed in the Doctrine and Covenants.  By definition, these will also be matter of LDS Church history, but were there is overlap between these two categories, I will include the discussion here. Section 6 – Joseph and Oliver are directed…

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Theophany – Doctrine and Covenants – Section 6

Doctrine and Covenants, Section 6, discusses many things that are wise and prudent to consider regarding following the counsel of the Lord in our lives and receiving answers to prayers.  At the end, though, we find Christ telling Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery: “Behold the wounds which pierced my side, and also the prints of…

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Theophany – Book of Mormon

This page will be the jumping off point to the discussions of theophanies identified and discussed in the Book of Mormon. Chapters in which a theophany occurs or is discussed are listed below: 1 Nephi 1 – Lehi sees God the Father and Jesus Christ.  

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Theophany – Book of Mormon – 1 Nephi 1

From the outset of the Book of Mormon, in the very first chapter of the very first book, we encounter a description of a theophany involving Lehi.  We are told that there were many prophets sent to Jerusalem during the time of Zedekiah who were preaching repentance and warning of a destruction to come.  Lehi…

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